The National Sprint Association is pleased to announce to the membership that the club’s Annual General Meeting followed by the annual Championship Presentation Night will be taking place on Saturday 21st January 2023 at the Strawberry Bank Hotel, Meriden, Coventry.
The AGM will commence at 1.00 pm prompt till 3.00 pm; details to follow. The main championship presentation and perpetual awards commences from 6 for 6.30 pm. After the awards there will be an evening disco till midnight as well the usual raffle for some great prizes (donations gratefully accepted).
The evening’s meal consists of three courses costing £39 per head and must be pre ordered and paid for by no later than Saturday January 7th 2023. You can see all the options from the download form here. There are vegetarian and gluten free options highlighted on the form but should you have any special dietary requirements please highlight them on the form when completing your meal options or get in touch with Jerry Cookson.
Please send your meal options with cheques (made payable to National Sprint Association Ltd and not NSA) and contact details to Jerry Cookson, Lyndene, Church Lane, Willoughby, Alford LN13 9SU. Should there be any questions regarding the AGM or the Presentation please call Jerry on 07881 442579 or e-mail
Should you wish to book overnight accommodation, rooms are available at £75 (double) £65 (single) including breakfast. We have reserved a number of rooms, which should be booked with the hotel direct on 01676 522117, quoting ’National Sprint Association’ with your reservation. The Strawberry Bank Hotel can be found at 72 Main Road, Meriden, Coventry CV7 7NF. If you haven’t been before a map can be found at Lunch at the hotel before the AGM can be ordered by prior arrangement with the hotel on the above telephone number.